Thursday 16 August 2012

Historical formal, and some dresses, for girls

Very recently, I have been asked to look at some formal dresses, presumably for girls. So here are some good tips:

Be colourful
Be creative
Be inventive
Don’t flash your skin (breasts and legs) unless you want to be called a certain name. Believe you me, there is a name for those who choose that path
You only live once. So liven it up a bit.

Take a look at these:

By looking at these we can share the genius of the artists who spent their valuable artistic time designing these pieces of art. As I’ve said before, we need to broaden our outlook.

Something else we should consider is our ride. Guys, if you turn up on a scooter, than I will personally have to smash it. If you turn up on a scooter AND you have facial hair, then I will destroy your scooter, and then you. It has to be done.
I have also been thinking about fashion 150 years ago. I know that for most of this blog I have talked about embracing the new and the different, but sometimes it is good to go through the cupboards and pull out the gems that have continued to impress us through the ages.
So here are my top five old fashioned pieces of clothing:
5. An old dress
Imagine yourself in this. Obviously for people whose legs get colder than the rest of their body. Great for people who can’t let go of the past and like green.
4. Old gold boots
This is definatley something that would work with any of the colour combinations that I mentioned in the first post. They have heels and style. The only problem would be if your laces broke.
3. The bonnet
The reason this one would be so good is because it can be used in a informal or a formal way. You can get many variations of this and can be sophisticated and really support an outfit. The down side is that it ruins any sort of plans for extravagant hair and needs to match the rest of the outfit.
2. Ye old top hat
This really takes it to another level. It can be worn with almost any colour, shows sophistication and a level of gentlemanlyness (apparently not not a word) that many other acsessories would struggle with.
1. Pocket watch
This is what everyone should have. I think you could almost get away with riding a scooter with facial hair if you had one of these. This really does take the cake. It gives off an air of intelligence and most people could wear one without worrying to much. another great thing is that it’s unisex. You don’t even have to worry about what facial hair you have when you wear this.

So that is it. All these articles are from the 19th century. During that time, in order to keep updated with the fashion mail was the way of communication, although by the end of the 19th century telegraph and telephone had replaced mail. The main ways of transportation was by frieght, ships and railroad. To keep up to date would have been much more difficult if you lived in a small town. If you were in the bigger cities than it would have been easier to be able to stay with the leaders.

So in the end, what it comes down to is these things:
- What are you uncomfortable with?
Just step out of your comfort zone. Do something different.
- Be a man
Not trying to be sexist here but be brave and bold. The men of high school need to rise up and be downright stupid so we can leave an impression on the innocent so that they may pass on the culture for many years to come. The girls can join too if they want.
- You only live once
Be stupid and love life. Unless you enjoy murdering like Hitler did. Cause than that would be awkward.
This is the ULTIMATE BLOB OF DARKNESS, signing out, with this:  

Facial formal, a hairy business

Having taken a look at some suits, I thought that I would look into nice, unusual, but fashionable suits, clothes and accessories. What you want is range but at the same time not too much to the point of not being able to decide. So I have picked a few pieces of clothing and such. Check it out: 


These suits are, yes, unusual, but show such genius. The first one is the “flanny” suit. The blue really compliments the red and having white intertwined with the colours really highlights the pattern. I call the second suit the “caveman” suit. This suit is good for especially manly men, with facial hair. Here is something that will basically guarantee you having a date to the formal. the shirt is really self-explanatory. By the way, if you really do not want a date to formal than wear a baseball cap on backwards and ride a scooter. Please note: NEVER RIDE A SCOOTER WITH FACIAL HAIR. It’s stupid.

Another aspect to consider is how to wear your hair. Most females will take care of their hair, but guys on the other hand. In all honesty I think it is gross and unhygienic to have your hair greasy, slimy, matted and uncombed, unwashed, just neglected. Seriously people, we need to lift our game.

Ties for the guys are again really important. However, another option is bow ties. They are small yes, but sometimes the small things make the biggest difference.

I think I have mentioned this previously but the way that you wear your facial hair is very important, especially for boys. Here are a few ideas that you could do:

Again it’s all about creativity. We all know that the mode of transportation to the venue is also very important. Here are a few tips:

-          Don’t come on a bike

You will look stupid. Seriously, don’t do it.

-          No scooters, manual or motored

Unless you want the whole, look at how much of a freshie I am, than don’t do it. If you are on a motorbike scooter all you will achieve is the old man look.

-          Don’t come in your mums car

Self-explanatory, not done.

-          Come in something stylish

A quad bike or a tractor is an excellent way of making an impression.

-          Generally don’t come on something manual like a bike or skateboard

Pogo sticks are the exception.
So keeping all these tips in mind, make your decisions carefully.

Monday 13 August 2012

Are you worried about formal? Need some helpful advice? Than you may or may not have come to the wrong blog. Some people have questioned my feel for fashion. I am writing this blog to disprove these rumours, which have destroyed my highly earned reputation. Many peeps are probably wondering what to wear, as am I. So come with me on this incredible journey through suits, accessories, cars and all the things that will change your life.    

Formal is a time in our life, where we dress to impress. So I have been thinking about different colour combinations and I’ve come up with some of these beauties:

Orange and burgundy

Pearl green and burgundy

Yellow and burgundy

Pearl green and yellow

I believe that people need to expand their imagination in terms of colours. We need to open our minds and embrace the unfamiliar. There was this guy who wasn't tolerant of what he saw as ugly or anything that wasn’t “perfect”. Will you be the next Hitler? People are so communist these days towards anything not in the normal. They encourage new ideas just so they can crush the idea and then the person. Where is our world headed?

Suits seem to be the in thing right now, so just check out these pictures:
These suits are, in my opinion, greatly underrated. Small things like choosing a tie is greatly simplified when you are wearing the black suit. Pretty much every colour goes with black so your tie finding nightmare is over with this stylish in season suit. The pink suit is for those who are looking for a little bit of a challenge but still want to keep it simple. It also comes with a face so if you are shy or ugly than I would recommend this suit to you. The pink suit comes in a the low price of $94.99 and the black suit is $128.99. Both of these are cheaper than so many other suits and are good quality.
This suit is for is nice but has nothing on the black or pink suits. It has a sale price of $119.99. I myself would not go in this particular suit but it does present another option in terms of colours and suits although it limits your tie selection.